Sunday 31 August 2014

Past is forgotten

So let's start this with explaining my mother married my mother when I was hmm like 3, he was abusive. My mother stayed at home with me and my two older sisters from her first marriage, he cheated on her in that one my older sister caught him kissing the babysitter. Funny thing is my mom ran a private day home from when I could remeber till I was 12.

We'll I don't remeber much about my life before just random things here and there. What I remeber was my mom brushing my Hair one morning I must have been 7 or so. It was just before school and she asked what I thought if her and my dad split up, I basicly said I didn't care since I was too occupied all the time with friends to notice that parents should always be togather.
From a young age I Honeslty didn't care about things like relationships... Sad to say but it's true.

I went to school that say and remeber talking to a girl named Sarah about it, don't knwo what I said but I remeber discussing it and still not being fazed by it what so ever. My mom left his bags in the living room one more ing and kicked him out.

He was abusive, my mom had enough. I remeber on my 8 or 9 the birthday my dad coming to say happy birthday and my cousin calling the cops on him, yup on my birthday with a bunch of friends around outside cops came and escorted my dad away, traumatic right? Maybe so back then, but now it's like any other time.
Well on many other occasions cops were called,. My aunt banging on our front window yelling, my dad kicking the door in, me crying on the stairs with my little sister wanting to see my father.  My dad has always been good to us kids he has always tried his best, at that time he wasn't physically hurting us kids, other then a spank if we were out of line and that's fair! But my mother pretty much kept us away from him. It took around ten years for an official divorce! The judge just oulfbt understand.

I was never to take sides, I always felt my parents loved and cared for my sister and I evenly.the had joint custody of us, however in most cases that means one has to be the "primary" care giver which was my mother of course. Other times cops were called was when us kids got older and I was a bigger brat and pain in the ass so jr.high and highschool, I would want to go to my moms. And e wouldn't let me. My dad and I would fight and I would stand up to myself so instead of just hiding in my room I would fight back (as a kid I always kicked or ripped up things had a temper) but as a teenager I was fighting my dad. Throwing books, pushing back and everything.  So of course my father was abusive, we would argue in the car and he would just smack me. I would jump out of the car and run... I would run away from home. In jr high  I was around girls who were having sex by the age of 12 doing E and smoking pot and drinking.
Back story, in grad 5 or 6 I found a pipe, my friend was laughing thinking it was a tap to a sink... And some how a 10 year old knew what a pipe was.... Sad sad lol. Oh and porno magazines to, I played truth or dare with friends and made out with girls and played house with girls...
Back to jr high... I had several boyfriends(still a virgine and didn't do E)
High school hit and I was out partying every weekend with my best friend and smoking weed every night (still went to school everyday!) I had  my first official job in high school other then baby sitting which I started at 11. I was working  at a commissary. Made decent money but didn't last long, too out of the way. So I started at DQ yay! So cool right? Lol I worked around 3-4 times a week.  Did that for a year. Got fired because I called in sick and didn't find a replacment in time since I was still at school with a dead phone feeling like shit... Oh well!

At this time my mother and I go along well, my dad and I nope! By the time grade 12 hit my mother was getting back onto drinking a lot and I was being kicked out of her house too a lot more, once with my best friend and I in the middle of winter with snow past out knees at spring 10:30 at night cause I called her an alcoholic! Once again started working at DQ . I graduated couldn't find a job for the first year since it was 2009 right after the recession and no job available. I was per mentaly living at my
Moms then, finaly got a job at the place I have now been for 4 1/2  years. Paying rent every month , phone bill and my own bus pass. Still got kicked out! Moved in wth my dad, it was ok till he got his nasty ass girlfriend and now I'm living with my boyfriend of  5 1/2 years in our own apartment!

There is a lot more I could say about my life. Like my wonderful step father his unfortanant son basicly molested me, my friends brother who did the same and my other friend father who did the same.

In the end I want people to understand, I have been molested, abused, raised by an alcoholic, friends who were having sex young, doing all sorta of drugs, dropping out do school and getting preg.

Doesn't change that I have never done any drug other then weed and mushrooms(did those once) I go out maybe once ever two months partying. I own my own car, dog, cat, rent my own apartment, work a decent job in accounts receivable, graduated, pay all my bills on time, travel and have a wonderful boyfriend.

So if you read all that above where would you have thought I would be now?

I do have my days like anyone else I have bad anxiety over no control but I handle it, it's life. So bring on anything and everything bitch! Ahahaha